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  • Pdf exported from CorelDraw, problem with characters spacing

    Hi CorelDraw experienced users!

    Can anyone explain why in some languages, while in Coreldraw the characters have always the correct spacing, in the pdf exported with the fonts active, the spacing is a mess? See capture bellow, the specific font is Arial…

  • Shadows and transparent letters?

    Greetings Everyone,
    My name is Glen Ray. I am very new to Corel Draw and I'm working on a steep learning curve.
    I am starting a laser engraving business and purchased the 2024 Corel suite to improve my art.
    Currently, I am trying to make some…
  • Fitted Text Inside Shape Shifted or Changed Text Size?

    So we just had a job returned because the final prints were missing text in the original proof we provided. Sure enough that was the case. Returning to the files the text on the graphic was shifted. I'm unsure what happened and I guess I'm here to ask…

  • Text typing stops working randomly

    Sometimes when I pick the text tool and try to type in CorelDraw 2024, nothing happens. It's like the keyboard is dead. After 15-30 seconds the problem disappears without doing anything. The typing works normally in other softwares during the Corel issue…

  • VBA Macro to create text goes missing when I try to print.

    So after a few days of troubleshooting and trying to figure out what the problem was, I just decided to continue working like was doing before. I guess powerclipping the objects together and and saving the document embeds the font correctly. I…

  • I'm Having Issues With Copying/ Duplicating Arched Text (Text on a Curve)

    I will often use the feature when selecting and moving objects to right click to create a duplicate of the graphics I'm working with. I've done this before and I've even done this before with essentially the exact same design a week prior to now. But…

  • VBA HELP - Text

    Im trying to make a Macro that works with the content of texts in my CDR file. I dont find the documentation about the tools i need anywhere. How can a i refer to the content of a text box, i asked ChatGPT , but it uses Shape.Text.Story.Text but i cant…

  • Macro help for positioning objects

    Still working on my pricing macro and getting stuck on how to position the price group to where I want it.

    I'm trying to get it to the blank area but not sure the best way to go about it.

    Private Sub Make_Click()
      Dim Dlr As Shape
      Dim Cnt As Shape…
  • Text Converting to Curves Not Staying In Shape of Text Box.

    Text within the shape


    Text When converted to curves.

    I need to convert to curves so that I can resize it and I don't have to keep manipulating the text size to accommodate the new size. It also helps keep the words from moving around when editing or…

  • Can't Edit Text in a Table

    I have been working with a table and when I would right click on a cell I wouild get an option to edit text.  Now when I do that the whole table or a cell is selected.  I have did this with Text Tool enabled, the Table Tool enabled, and the Pick tool enabled…

  • Can't Enter text in a table

    I created a table and now I want to enter text into the table.   I select the table and then select the tab 'Table'.  The help pages say to select a cell and type the text.  All those options are grayed out.  The only options are to create a table or…

  • Is there a way to make a carriage return on the same line?

    music by is a an example.

    I can make this but it's a royal pain. It would be easier if I could keep it as one element. 

    I tried putting them in as an image, pasted, but it looks hokey. A bitmap/

  • Adding File Text to image when importing cpt image.

    Hello all,

    I am looking for a way to import several hundred images that I have stored as cpt (Corel photos), into a worksheet in Corel Draw 2019. I can copy and paste the data for each image, but would like to have the data automatically print down below…

  • How Do You Adjust Kerning/ Character Spacing of Text on a Curve?

    In X8 these tools seemed to work differently.

    Here's the Character Spacing Tool:

    Heres the Range Kerning Tool: (use on the "T" character only)

    It seems to just make the tracking of the text swished on one side and thats it.

    I want to make…

  • Measure distance between objects


    How to achieve this with macro, measure the distance between objects.

    we can add it manually, but sometimes there are many letters and it is taking time, hehe. Maybe someone knows how to do it with macro.


  • Smart BreakApart / Separte Shape (?)


    can we achieve this with macro ?

    *ignore the color, it just to tell the shape is separated.

    With normal breakapart, we get all shape separated. Sometime we just need the shape to be separated, just like the 3rd item in image.

    im curious, how it can…

  • Any way to shrink all fonts on a page by the same relative amount?

    I have a series of maps with various fonts and various font sizes for different features. I want to make all of the fonts smaller by the same percentage change, say 20%. So some text at 20pt size would shrink to 16pt, other text that's at 10pt would shrink…

  • CorelDRAW X7 - Pasting text into Corel from Word has stopped workingnd

    Recently I've run into a problem with using copy+paste to move text into my Corel-documents and a look around the internet showed me that similar problems have cropped up with different versions of CorelDRAW over time, but always with a different solution…

  • Font changes to Arial while importing PDF into Corel 2021

    Font changes to Arial while importing PDF into Corel 2021. The same PDF imports into Corel 2018 with the correct font. The PDF was created in Corel 2018 and even tried other PDFs...having the same result.

  • Font problem

    Today I tried to change a font to one in my pull down list.  It highlights then reverts to arial.  Any ideas?

  • Corel Style Sets (Text Formatting

    Hi Guys, 

    Trying to write a menu and I can't seem to get Paragraph formatting to work with Stylesets.
    Im trying to indent my text to wrap before it reaches the price.
    But this doesn't seem to work when using bullet points (as it treats it all as one)…

  • Font Filter How to Update *Not the Checkbox

    If I have a Font, It is a San-Serif font, but DOES NOT filter via Filters.

    HOW do I edit that FONT to be in the San-Serif Filter check box??

    I tried searching google and forms, but all I see is how to USE the filter boxes, not how to UPDATE Font's to…

  • Blurry 1 Second Delay

    I along with my team are experiencing a blurring when working with text. Zooming in and out there seems to be a 1 second delay before the text goes to high res.... Will a top of line video card fix this or is there somewhere I can go to speed up the processing…

  • Proof Colors with Gamut warning on Text has weird visual feedback

    This is happening when I try to write and "Proof Colors" enabled with Gamut Warning.

    of course disabling gamut warning is a solution but any other solutions without disabling it?

  • TEXT Quick Correct


    I was wondering if anyone noticed any issues with COREL Draws Quick Correct settings?

    I've got my quick Correct settings turned off and seem to still automatically change the text (e.g Cafe to Café and etc)
    This seems to still do when I remove…

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