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  • posted - Making a brochure in CorelDraw

    Making a brochure in CorelDraw is very straight forward. Linking paragraph text is very easy to use.

    Here's the video link.


  • Making a brochure in CorelDraw Tutorial

    Making a brochure in CorelDraw is very straight forward. Linking paragraph text is very easy to use.

    Here's the video link.



  • Video tutorial of the month: Create a professional-looking marketing brochure

    Click here to watch and learn how to use CorelDRAW to create a professional-looking marketing brochure that can help kick start any business.

  • CorelDRAW X5 in action

    Here is a nice video posted by Corel Germany (don't worry, there is no voice ;-) that shows the creation of a brochure with CorelDRAW X5.

  • Flap Advice

     I've jsut about finished a multiple page brochure...the inside cover will havea flap tha twill hold a speparare piece of papaer

    th flap hieght 2.5 inches

    obvilously after being scored teh flap is folder up from the botomm


    my questions are


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