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  • Enhancing Usability in CorelDRAW 2024: Towards a More Intuitive and Inclusive Software

    Proposal for New Features in CorelDRAW 2024 for Mac and Windows

    image and video question links are at the bottom of the page

    Currently, CorelDRAW has some limitations compared to other software like Affinity…

  • Enhancing Usability in CorelDRAW 2024: Towards a More Intuitive and Inclusive Software

    Proposal for New Features in CorelDRAW 2024 for Mac

    image and video question links are at the bottom of the page

    Currently, CorelDRAW has some limitations compared to other software like Affinity Designer…

  • Enhancing Usability in CorelDRAW 2024: Towards a More Intuitive and Inclusive Software

    Proposal for New Features in CorelDRAW 2024 for Mac and Windows

    image and video question links are at the bottom of the page

    Currently, CorelDRAW has some limitations compared to other software like Affinity…

  • Can Corel group the forum communities more?

    Today is 2024.  I asked a question about a display problem with my latest CorelDraw: version 2019.  But I suspect the problem affects much more than the 2019 version.   Noone has responded.  Is there a way to ask the question of the wider community: yes I…

  • Can I lock some layer to don't let it flip.

    Graphic designer on my team have problem when flip many layer at same time and sometime text and logo we forgot to flip again to make it original, I know this is user qc error but is there any tool in CorelDRAW that can lock one or more layer that…

  • Coreldraw 2024 for mac won't launch [REALLY ANNOYING]

    Hi folks, earlier today a level 2 technician helped me solved the issue that cdr 2024 won't start up on mac. However, after I installed an important update from coreldraw, the program crashes on start up again. Any one bothered by the same issue?

  • 2D Data Matrix Barcode Generation

    I've hit a roadblock and need help finding a reliable 2D Data Matrix plugin for CorelDraw 2023.

    We found a few plugins offering free trials, but they require cryptocurrency or wire transfers for purchase, which we're uncomfortable with and unwilling…

  • Arquivo com erro de E/S

    Oi pessoal, estou com um problema em um arquivo do Corel Draw 2023

    É um arquivo grande. O computador desligou antes de concluir o salvamento e agora ele não abre. Quando tento abrir aparece uma mensagem dizendo "Erro de leitura de E/S"…

  • Arquivo cdr com erro de leitura de E/S

    Oi pessoal, estou com um problema em um arquivo do Corel Draw 2023

    É um arquivo grande. O notebook desligou antes de concluir o salvamento e agora ele não abre. Quando tento abrir aparece uma mensagem dizendo "Erro de leitura de E/S", se tento…

  • Corel Crashing When Opening Files.

    I work in a printing business and we save our files onto one drive.

    Some files will crash Corel when i try to open them on the Mac.

    No problems opening any of the files on Windows.

    It is random with which files crash it.

    Even if the file was created and…

  • Multiple Records Data in one Field using Print Merge

    How to insert multiple records data in one field by using Corel Draw Print Merge..


    There are 100's of schools and I want to send the wishes to each school by mentioning their top 100 students names who scored rank below 100.

    I am creating the…

  • Feature Request: Alt+Shift = Reversed Shift order

    I'd like an alternative ordering to the usual shift during selections. It would be very convenient when trimming for example, like when I'm drawing something and I'd like to trim other curves from the curve selected. Right now, you have to…

  • pen tool

     Hi guys  wasssap I'm looking for your help can someone come across this problem actually I need your help thanks in advance So I'm using Corel draw 2021 release and I have a bug oh yes I almost forgot I have a msi gf63 thin 10scxr la…
  • COREL-ENTREVISTA > Interview to Resa Embutin, the graphic artist behind CorelDRAW 2022 splash screen

    In ( The Spanish speaking CorelDRAW Community since 1996 ) we interviewed Resa Embutin (Philippines), the graphic artist behind the new CorelDRAW 2022 splash screen. But, to make it available to all CorelDRAW Community, I also publish it…

  • Typing in the search bar of the font list causes Corel to crash repeatedly.

    Hello to all,

    As you can see in the video attached typing in the search bar of the font list causes Corel to crash repeatedly. 

    Instead of scrolling through many fonts I am so used to typing in the search box the first letter of my preferred font. Is anyone…

  • Create a business card using JavaScript and save the .cdr file locally

    I have a business card ordering portal.

    Each time I get an order I need to edit the details manually according to the template.

    If I have a fixed template, How can I create a business card using JavaScript and save the .cdr file somewhere

  • Serial number is already in use


    I had CorelDRAW 2019 installed in a computer and i wanted to change the language.

    After researching about it i found that the way to change the language was reinstall the software

    After reinstalling the software I can't login because it gives the…

  • Relief Effect

    Just experimenting with something different.

  • reducing the knots on plt

    Hi. How can i reduce the knots when i converting to plt and keeping the smooth of the curves? Thank you

  • [US] PNG Image Border Artifacts / [BR]Artefatos em bordas de imagem PNG



    I am facing a problem with exporting vectors as PNG images in CorelDRAW (the problem occurs in several versions of corel and is something old that I deal with).

    It always happens at the edges of any vector element that I created.…

  • Is it possible to buy new license for Ventura 10?

    We have too many old ventura files, which should be converted to PDFs or other format but we don't have the license.

    Is it possible to buy a new License?

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