When switching between programs, as part of the user’s workflow, EPS don´t handle transparency so well and can therefore cause headaches. When CorelDRAW opens an EPS file with transparent objects from a competing software, it converts it into a…
I love corelDraw X7 in so many ways but!
I have yet to understand the fill tools. I don't want to have to worry about Copyrighted content and usage restrictions. I don't need or will never use 95% of the preset fills. I cannot edit the categories that…
This tutorial will show you how to use the interactive fill tool, an added feature in CorelDraw. In the tutorial, you will learn how to create gradient fill.
Here's the video link.
When I pick a color by using the fill tool CorelDraw freezes up and I have to use task manger to close it.
What might be going on?
made in CorelDraw X4.
made it for my client's vehicle 'TATA Ace'.
completely made in CorelDRAW X5. Submitted it in the 'Corel Asia Pacific Digital Art Competition 2011'. Please vote for my graphic- http://ybsworld.blogspot.com/2011/12/hi-plz-vote-for-my-graphic-coffee-time.html
made this design of the Dandiya-dancers for the ad [20x3 ft] which will be put up as a heading on the welcoming-gate of a dandiya-show which is arranged annually the town where i live where my client's factory is one of the sponcerers. [made in CorelDraw…
i love to draw, sketch & paint. so, i thought of sketching it out- but digitally.
made in corel draw x3.
DESIGN APPROVED !!! plastic package-design for 'Lokruchi refined vegetable oil [imported refined palmolein]' which is packed by 'Dipti Oil Traders'. [Size: 33 x 24.5 cm. 3 sides seal (top, bottom, left). Softwares: CorelDRAW X5, Adobe Photoshop CS5].…
made in CorelDRAW X5
revised design for Brochure (page 4) [designed in such a way that brochure can be printed as 'back-to-back'/'continuos folds'] [made in CorelDraw X4].
made in Corel Draw X4.
i re-created these vector images using the original bitmap images which my sister wanted to use but they were blurred. Sister is going to use these vector images for her jewellery-designs portfolio. [made in CorelDraw X4].
made in CorelDraw X5 & it is fully imaginary.
made in CorelDRAW & submitted in CorelDRAW International Design Contest 2013. completely vector !
Leaflet designed for my client's spices-powderfactory as for the business purpose. [made in CorelDraw X4].
Fully Imaginary. Fully vector. Used fill tool, mesh fill tool, artistic media tool, rectangle tool, ellipse tool,shape tool. done in CorelDraw X3.
it is made by Mr.PommyJosh, which i edited little bit with splash of colours & addition of bitmap background having motion blur added to it in CorelDraw X3.
hope you see this & like it, Mr.PommyJosh .
Zoooooooom i go ! only wind can compete…