Visit regularly Corel Discovery Center and watch nice video tutorials about how to produce cool jobs with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite.
English version:
Versão em Português-BR:
Remake of first Video Tutorial - Now with "callouts images"
Watch video in YouTube. Click on link below:
Check this:
Color Scheme Designer is a simple but effective site, which allows you to create colour schemes, randomise palettes when you're clean out of ideas, check for different kinds of colour blindness and export in various different formats. …
Tutorial > Simulating Polaroid photos in CorelDRAW X6.
Click here to watch video (YouTube)
This is an edited video showing the main steps how I did (using CorelDRAW X6) Melody Web's logo (a Brazilian web radio).
In order to fit in YouTube time, some parts of the video were…
Have you tried this step for duplicating objects/texts in CorelDRAW?
> Just Left click on object or text, drag mouse and hit Space Bar.
Click on link to watch video (YouTube):