
I am looking for tutorials on learning Coreldraw 2020.   The ones that I have found so far are either in a foreign language or I can't understand the instructor.   


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  • Not a big fan of tutorials. Always full of fluff that you don't need. What you need to start with is a purpose, a specific task, a job, project etc. You may be trying to create a business card, a poster, design a logo, vectorize a logo or maybe create a banner etc. I have yet to watch a tutorial that isn't filled with the long way around doing things too. So many different levels of users out there. I once considered teaching and have done so thru a computer sharing app. Can't remember the name of it though. Basically you contact each other over the phone and log into the app which allows me control of your pc and you can watch and ask questions as we go along. Sounds really sketchy security wise but honest people can make it work. Amazing what a couple of hours can teach. Did it once, the person was pleased and paid me for my time. Never heard from them again but that was ok as I wasn't looking to make a thing of it. Like I said I had thought about making it a part time job but....

    I learned by doing and not being afraid to make mistakes.
