Copy Fill To Other Shapes

I wrote a macro to apply a bitmap pattern fill to all the shapes.

If I changed the scale on one panel I would like to copy that new fill to the other panels. I'm trying to do this with one "sync" button on a user form.

Sub ApplyTexture()

  Dim s As Shape
  Dim sr As ShapeRange
  Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
  For Each s In sr.Shapes
    'Apply Texture
    s.Style.Fill.LoadFill ("C:\Users\jchestnut\Documents\Corel\Corel Content\Fills\CoolerWrap Wood 1.fill")
    'Remove Outline
    If s.Outline.Width > 0 Then
    ElseIf s.Outline.Width = 0 Then
      s.Outline.SetProperties 1
    End If
  Next s
End Sub