Copy Fill To Other Shapes

I wrote a macro to apply a bitmap pattern fill to all the shapes.

If I changed the scale on one panel I would like to copy that new fill to the other panels. I'm trying to do this with one "sync" button on a user form.

Sub ApplyTexture()

  Dim s As Shape
  Dim sr As ShapeRange
  Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
  For Each s In sr.Shapes
    'Apply Texture
    s.Style.Fill.LoadFill ("C:\Users\jchestnut\Documents\Corel\Corel Content\Fills\CoolerWrap Wood 1.fill")
    'Remove Outline
    If s.Outline.Width > 0 Then
    ElseIf s.Outline.Width = 0 Then
      s.Outline.SetProperties 1
    End If
  Next s
End Sub
  • You can apply the fill the an entire ShapeRange. Here is an example that takes the fill from the first shape in the ShapeRange and applies it to the entire ShapeRange. 

    Sub ApplyFillFromFirstShape()
        Dim sr As ShapeRange
        Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange
        sr.ApplyFill sr.FirstShape.Fill
    End Sub

    Happy coding, 


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