Please stop releasing new Corel Builds every year....

I don't understand how Corel expects to maintain a community when they release a new build every year that brings in new problems without addressing old issues. Not only that, many of the corel users rely on macros that have to be re-released. The lag time means that by the time the community has adjusted the macro, Corel decides to release a new edition.

You have implemented a subscription based model, so just update the existing build on an ongoing basis until its stable. I keep having to go back to X5 since it the last stable release for working with drawings that have many objects. X5 was released more than a decade ago, and it still remains significantly faster for complex drawings.

Find and Replace barely works in 2021, and macromonster hasn't updated their macros to work with 2021 yet. It's almost half-way through 2021 and by the time either of these problems are going to be fixed it'll be almost 2022 and we'll have another release with some content additions and host of new bugs make us miserable with.

Please, for the love of god, stop releasing new editions and optimize/fix your existing releases. I know you want to juice as much money from your users as possible, but eventually the rock stops dripping blood. The forums are way less active than before. The macro community is way less active than before. People are obviously migrating to AI. Just listen to the community for once please. 

No Data
  • I think that they are not going to do anything till we get vocal.  The app has a bunch of great features that speeds up work flow yet when it crashes over and over again any work flow increase is negated.  I'm finding now that the application can not keep up with newer CPU and GPUs.  If you do things too fast the blue wheel of death starts spinning.  

    It's also really nice of them to move stuff around in the menu, this really helps keep the mind fresh hunting them down.  Also not putting keystroke commands on the most used feature also speeds things up.
