CTRL+Left Mouse Button Not Moving An Object X,Z

I am using the trial version of CorelDraw 2021 for experiment, when I click ctrl+left mouse button to move an object x,z with the mouse, the object moves upright randomly? So what happened?! It was working fine in the 2020 version.

  • There is no error. The 2021 version of CorelDraw includes a new multi-directional move tool within the restricted direction of your choice. First select the element you want to move and hold it with the left mouse button, don't let go, AFTER that you press and hold the SHIFT or CTRL buttons on your keyboard (both do the same thing) and start dragging on one of your 360 degrees direction you need. It is very important that the hand and the mouse start to move very precisely so that the restriction path enter to the correct direction. It will move restricted ONLY on that path direction. Until 2020 version the CTRL button restricted the movement only on horizontal or vertical direction. It's hard at the begging but with a few tryouts will will come handy and you'll get use to it.

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