Weird Window Behavior

Recently a strange thing has been happening where my screen "marches down" the monitor view.   I always use Corel in maximized view, and recently, the whole Corel window starts stepping down the monitor to about half way.  When I touch the title bar or double click it to maximize it again, the window doubles for an instant, then it shows in a tiny view, and I have to max it again.   It is as if someone has remote control of the computer and is moving my screens around - but it only happens with Corel.  

This is a fresh reinstall of CDGS2021, but it was happening before that, as well.  I'm afraid to uninstall and reinstall as it took me several hours the last time, and I had to sacrifice my VBA module to get it to install (per Corel Support).    

Any ideas what is making my screen dance?