Faulty bitmaps when exporting objects

I am using CoreDraw to generate vector icons which have to be "transformed" to bitmaps (Png) in different sizes (16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48,... 256x256, 512x512).

When doing so, I found three problems which I have to deal with:

1. Image sizes don't match with the pixel size in the export dialog, e.g. 16x16 may generate a 15x17 bitmap (the vector object is a square and "keep aspect ratio" is unchecked to force a 16x16 size)

2. Text is in low quality, especially the kerning is awful (the text ICON may look like  IC  O N on the exported image)

3. "Alpha Layer holes" - objects wich edges are side by side get exported with correct color values but the values for the alpha layer isn't set to opaque, so the exported image looks like a swiss cheese in certain situations.

Does anyone have seen these problems and know how to deal with them?

  • It is very important that your objects are properly aligned to the pixel grid before exporting.

    I assume you are already working with Pixels as your document drawing unit, and that your View mode also is Pixels.

    Make sure you have Snap to Pixels enabled and if you need to make it even more foolproof, enable Object Hinting for your objects.
    These two last steps will force the objects to fit the pixel grid 100% and your export size will then be correct.

    Remember that object outlines may increase an object's size and impact the exported size.

    Regarding text, convert text to curves before exporting, then undo to bring the text back to life.

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