CorelDraw 2021 and Painter Essentials Not Installing - Customer Service Issues


I wonder whether someone in the community can assist with this query. I purchased a copy of CorelDraw 2021 (upgrade) on Saturday, 19 November 2021.

CorelDraw 2021 not installing. Issue with the Installer interface, which does not allow me to type in the serial number, or do anything really to proceed with installation.

Similar issue with Corel Painter Essentials. Here I cannot even tick the box that I agree with the User Agreement.

WinZip I did manage to install without issues.

On top of that... Customer Support. Having created the docket, their representative contacted me on Monday morning, in Italian, asked for the Serial Number, and then... nothing. Like getting him the SN solved the matter (which of course, it did not).

Now, apart from waiting on the Customer Support, which is hardly forthcoming, is there anything I can do on my end to progress the installation.

Any assistance will be highly valued.



  • Following some previous threads on the subject, I managed to resize the Installer interface window, entered the serial number, and commenced with the installation. 

    But... and there is always but, the installer is not installing the software. Just suggesting it does, but in reality it looks like an endless dead-loop.

    This is what it shows: Installing. Please wait... indefinitely, I guess.


    It is kind of heartbreaking.

    And yes, I did restart the machine.

    Any assistance, please?
