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CorelDRAW issue (crash) when launching the application on Windows

Attention CorelDRAW Graphics Suite and Technical Suite users on Windows 11 and Windows 10:

If you come across CorelDRAW, Corel PHOTO-PAINT or Corel DESIGNER (Technical Suite users) application launch issues today, this might be caused by a recent 3rd-party technology update. The CorelDRAW team is working on it, and there is a workaround to make the applications fully usable again quickly.

More information and the workaround for immediate application you can find in this blog post.

  • Update: We now have a solution to the issue that was causing 2023 and 2022 (version 24.x) application versions of CorelDRAW and Corel PHOTO-PAINT to crash on application start. Affected Windows 11 and Windows 10 users can download Hot Fix 2 to resolve the issue. 

    For installations with automatic updates turned on the hot fix is applied in the background. 
    Note the updated blog post for instructions on reverting the Welcome Screen display when you have applied the workaround that has been provided last week.