Problems with ESET Security Software

The person who built our new computers suggested we subscribe to ESET Security for our antivirus/anti-malware needs. I have been having issues for quite some time with Corel 2023. Shut-downs, freezes, times when the program (Draw particularly) won't open and I have to uninstall and re-install. This happened just yesterday. I opened - or tried to open - an old X4 file that had power clips, blends, transparency - lots of advanced features. The program froze and I could not even shut it down with control + alt + delete. I had to turn off the computer without shutting it down and then restart it. Then I had to uninstall and reinstall the suite. Fortunately I had archived the installer. I finally in desperation uninstalled ESET just as an experiment. Today I worked in Draw 2023 and successfully opened that old file with no issues. I opened a new file and tried a lot of stuff that in the past had caused Draw to freeze. No freeze. I also have Corel 2018 installed and have worked on it during all this time with no issues. 

My question is this. Has anyone else had this or a similar issue with ESET or with any other antiviral or ant-malware software? I know I have to run something on my computer for protection and given my experience, it will not be ESET. I am open to suggestions from anyone.

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