Do you in general prefer the smooth tool or the smoothing or simplify function?


since yome years in CorelDraw there is a "new" smooth tool with that you can smooth a path manually by click the area you want to smooth.

On the other hand there is the smoothing function (and also "smoothen" with certain value as a possible macro) and the reduction of nodes function.

In my experience the manual smooth tool does not change enough of the shape or has nor real advantage over the other two/three mentioned functions. But I am not sure whether I perhaps did not understand the new smooth tool correctly.

Which setting do you use for the smooth tool to e.g. not only reduce the nodes but also make a small bump out of a line?

It seems to me it's easier to e.g. delete a node in such a line or choose a smoothing factor rather than working with the smooth tool.

thank you for some opinions or hints.