macro to save as coreldraw 16 version

Hello, Would someone be able to help me out here? I use the following macro to automatically save a "Production" copy of the file, I am trying to adjust it to save the copy as coreldraw X6 (16) version, since i am using corel 2024 now but need to be able to work with the older version as well, I tried but can not figure it out. I will appreciate any help. Here is the code:

Sub Save_as_PRODUCTION()
On Error Resume Next ' Enable error handling

Dim originalFileName As String
Dim originalFilePath As String
Dim productionFileName As String

' Get the original file name and path
originalFileName = ActiveDocument.Name
originalFilePath = ActiveDocument.FilePath

' Check if the document has been saved
If originalFileName = "" Or originalFilePath = "" Then
MsgBox "Please save the document before running this macro.", vbExclamation
Exit Sub
End If

' Create the production file name by adding "PRODUCTION"
productionFileName = Replace(originalFileName, ".cdr", " (PRODUCTION).cdr", , , vbTextCompare)

' Confirm with the user before saving
If MsgBox("Do you want to save a PRODUCTION copy of the document?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Save PRODUCTION Copy") = vbNo Then
Exit Sub
End If

' Save a copy of the document with "PRODUCTION" added to the name
ActiveDocument.SaveAs originalFilePath & "\" & productionFileName

' Check for errors during save
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Error saving the PRODUCTION copy. Please check if the file is open elsewhere or if you have sufficient permissions.", vbCritical
' Inform the user about the successful save
MsgBox "Production copy saved as: " & productionFileName, vbInformation
End If

On Error GoTo 0 ' Disable error handling
End Sub

No Data
  • Replase 
    ActiveDocument.SaveAs originalFilePath & "\" & productionFileName

    Dim SaveOptions As StructSaveAsOptions
    Set SaveOptions = CreateStructSaveAsOptions
    SaveOptions.Version = 16
    ActiveDocument.SaveAsCopy originalFilePath & "\" & productionFileName, SaveOptions

