use left mouse click for outline color and undo selection

Hello, I am new to CorelDraw 2023 and would like to use it as good as possible :).

Normally I only work with outlines, rarely fills. So it would be really great to just use the left mouse click on a palette (user palette, Pantone, document palette) to choose the color of the outline of an object. Is this somehow possible, like in a ini or cfg file, or by creating some own command are?

Also, I would like to click on an empty space in the document to select nothing anymore when I am in the path/node tool. This only works with the general selection tool, but not the vector tool. When an object is chosen I can't deselect it with the same tool but have to change to the general arrow tool. Would be nice to click just somewhere to not select the nodes / paths of an object anymore.

I hope there is some idea :)