How many rectangles fit into each shape in the drawing?

Sorry for the English translation.

Imagine that there are many shapes with or without holes in the work area, each consisting of different shapes. 
What I want to do is to find out how many pieces a rectangle 13 cm wide and 10 cm high fits into each of these shapes.
It's like a simple nesting. In the coding I compiled, it only works for one shape, it gives an error when there are multiple shapes and
it does not rotate the rectangles according to the structure of the shape.

Private Sub CommandButton18_Click()

Dim sr As ShapeRange
Dim boundaryShape As Shape
Dim rectWidth As Double
Dim rectHeight As Double
Dim rect As Shape
Dim rectCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim xOffset As Double, yOffset As Double
Dim stepAngle As Double
Dim minX As Double, minY As Double, maxX As Double, maxY As Double

' Ölçü birimini cm olarak ayarla
ActiveDocument.ReferencePoint = cdrCenter
ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrCentimeter
Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange

' Boundary şekli
Set boundaryShape = sr.Shapes(1)

' Dikdörtgenin boyutları (örneğin: 15 cm x 10 cm)
rectWidth = 10
rectHeight = 3

' Açısal adım (döndürme açısı)
stepAngle = 0 ' 15 derece örnek

rectCount = 0

' Dikdörtgenlerin yerleştirilmesi
For i = 0 To Int(boundaryShape.SizeWidth / rectWidth) - 1
For j = 0 To Int(boundaryShape.SizeHeight / rectHeight) - 1
xOffset = boundaryShape.LeftX + i * rectWidth
yOffset = boundaryShape.BottomY + j * rectHeight
'xOffset = i * rectWidth
'yOffset = j * rectHeight

' Dikdörtgen oluştur
Set rect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle2(xOffset, yOffset, rectWidth, rectHeight)

' Dikdörtgeni döndür
rect.Rotate stepAngle

' Bounding box koordinatlarını al
rect.GetBoundingBox minX, minY, maxX, maxY

' Dikdörtgenin köşe noktalarının boundary şekli içinde olup olmadığını kontrol et
If IsRectangleInside(minX, minY, minX + maxX, minY + maxY, boundaryShape) Then
rectCount = rectCount + 1
End If

' Dikdörtgeni sil
Next j
Next i

' Sonucu mesaj kutusunda göster
MsgBox "Boundary içinde " & rectCount & " adet dikdörtgen sığabilir (döndürme ile)."
End Sub

Function IsRectangleInside(minX As Double, minY As Double, maxX As Double, maxY As Double, boundaryShape As Shape) As Boolean
' Bu fonksiyon, bounding box'ın boundary içinde olup olmadığını kontrol eder
Dim inside As Boolean
inside = True

If minX < boundaryShape.LeftX Or maxX > boundaryShape.RightX Or _
minY < boundaryShape.BottomY Or maxY > boundaryShape.TopY Then
inside = False
End If

IsRectangleInside = inside
End Function

  • Hello,

    You want to improve your VBA code for fitting rectangles into various shapes in CorelDRAW. Your current code handles only one shape and doesn't rotate the rectangles or fit them into multiple shapes. Here's how you can modify and expand your code to address these issues:

    Support Multiple Shapes: Iterate over all shapes in the ShapeRange.
    Rectangle Rotation: Consider rotations when placing rectangles.
    Check Fit: Ensure the rectangles fit inside the shapes considering the rotation.

    Revised code:

    Here’s a revised version of your VBA code that addresses these needs: 

    Private Sub CommandButton18_Click()
    Dim sr As ShapeRange
    Dim boundaryShape As Shape
    Dim rectWidth As Double
    Dim rectHeight As Double
    Dim rect As Shape
    Dim rectCount As Integer
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim xOffset As Double, yOffset As Double
    Dim stepAngle As Double
    Dim minX As Double, minY As Double, maxX As Double, maxY As Double
    Dim fitCount As Integer

    ' Set the unit to cm
    ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrCentimeter
    Set sr = ActiveSelectionRange

    ' Rectangle dimensions
    rectWidth = 13
    rectHeight = 10

    ' Rotation angles (0 to 360 degrees in 15-degree steps)
    For stepAngle = 0 To 345 Step 15
    fitCount = 0

    ' Loop through each shape in the selected range
    For Each boundaryShape In sr.Shapes
    If boundaryShape.Type = cdrCurveShape Then
    ' For each rotation, try to fit rectangles
    For i = 0 To Int(boundaryShape.SizeWidth / rectWidth) - 1
    For j = 0 To Int(boundaryShape.SizeHeight / rectHeight) - 1
    xOffset = boundaryShape.LeftX + i * rectWidth
    yOffset = boundaryShape.BottomY + j * rectHeight

    ' Create and rotate the rectangle
    Set rect = ActiveLayer.CreateRectangle2(xOffset, yOffset, rectWidth, rectHeight)
    rect.Rotate stepAngle

    ' Get bounding box coordinates
    rect.GetBoundingBox minX, minY, maxX, maxY

    ' Check if rectangle is within boundaryShape
    If IsRectangleInside(minX, minY, maxX, maxY, boundaryShape) Then
    fitCount = fitCount + 1
    End If

    ' Delete the rectangle
    Next j
    Next i
    End If
    Next boundaryShape

    ' Display the result for this rotation
    MsgBox "With rotation " & stepAngle & " degrees, " & fitCount & " rectangles fit into the selected shapes."
    Next stepAngle
    End Sub

    Function IsRectangleInside(minX As Double, minY As Double, maxX As Double, maxY As Double, boundaryShape As Shape) As Boolean
    ' This function checks if the rectangle's bounding box is within the boundary shape
    Dim inside As Boolean
    inside = True

    If minX < boundaryShape.LeftX Or maxX > boundaryShape.RightX Or _
    minY < boundaryShape.BottomY Or maxY > boundaryShape.TopY Then
    inside = False
    End If

    IsRectangleInside = inside
    End Function

    Tips: Multiple Shapes: The code loops through all shapes in the selected range.
    Rectangle Rotation: It tests rectangle placement for every 15-degree rotation.
    Fit Check: The IsRectangleInside function checks Maxim Time Clock if the rotated rectangle fits within the boundary shape.

    Hope that helps!