Fk*ng Bullshit Coreldraw 2024

What kind of dirty software is that? I have never experienced such a crash. what kind of borderline m***ns have released this version. all graphics created with coreldraw 2021 that have a bitmap effect crash the program when exporting via the export docker.

and that with a computer worth 7000 dollars.

btw: here is an example file!AopC6SNkOIozgqMqt2EvEB50stviFQ

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  • What file format are you exporting to?
    Does the same thing happen if you export via the ordinary Export dialog?

    Are you sure this is caused by the bitmap effects?
    The file is extremely complex and there could probably be dozens of possible causes for a crash.

    FWIW, I exported your file as PDF without any problem, on a modestly equipped system.

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