Quick access/notification of Cécile Brosius' The Tip of the Week?

Still finding navigating this new forum format frustrating...just when I think I've figured it out, something changes or has changed. 

So. How do I get quick access to blog posts, or better yet how do I subscribe or get notification of particular blog posts???

I specifically would like notification when Cécile Brosius posts a new tip of the week in her blog. Do I follow...do I bookmark?? I can't seem to get results doing either. Tried last week and still no notifications. and yes, I have that option turned on.


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  • +1. I also feel the forum community members could have had a few polls on what could have been better new additions. And, I absolutely hate the mobile version, it only shows the last 5 posts? WTF. When you want to see a history of your activity, most of it is un-accessible? another WTF! Not to mention all the gallery art that pops up, how do we turn that off? I don't want to see it over and over, and wait for it to reload all the time, a third WTF!

    ps, good call on the slider issue with the halftone problem on the other thread.
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