Quick access/notification of Cécile Brosius' The Tip of the Week?

Still finding navigating this new forum format frustrating...just when I think I've figured it out, something changes or has changed. 

So. How do I get quick access to blog posts, or better yet how do I subscribe or get notification of particular blog posts???

I specifically would like notification when Cécile Brosius posts a new tip of the week in her blog. Do I follow...do I bookmark?? I can't seem to get results doing either. Tried last week and still no notifications. and yes, I have that option turned on.


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  • Patti,

    you should have the option to get notified when there is a new entry in the Tip of the Week blog. You can turn on Blog notification by clicking on the little cogwheel in the upper right corner and select "Blog Notifications". Here is how it should look like:

    You might not see the manage and administer options, but you should see the "Blog notifications" and it might say off for you right now. Once you select On, you will get emails automatically when a new tip is posted.

