
So I get this call from my girlfriend at lunch time today saying

"I was using your computer and something went wrong"..

"oh" I asked "and what is that...? "

"I was trying to update windows explorer and it went wrong....I tried to do a recovery and I click the wrong button, and it started to reformat"

We have a compaq with the recovery disk make "fixing your computer" easy.

I rushed home and got the computer working, but for some reason NONE of my *** was saved games and more importantly....ALL of my drawings are GONE!....and yes I am a dumb ass and NOTHING was backed up....nothing...I am a ***.

As you might be able to appreciate I am a little down about it all...I maybe have like two of my car drawings on a USB drive somewhere...I hope but its all gone.

I was informed by a guy at work it might be savable but I dont know how....if anyone has any suggestions on possible solutions I would very much like to hear them..

Or even if you just want to tell me how stupid I am from not backing up my files please feel free.

I am doing a good job at not being pissed off with Christine, it aint her fault I aint got backups!

No Data
  • Ouch!  Sorry to hear that Pommy!  

    A similar thing happened to me several years ago right in the middle of a large project. Lost about twenty illustrations that I just ended up redrawing (worked a lot of late nights on that one).  I started using external drives for all my work at the point. I use two large ones (300 gig) on this one machine.  One for art and one to back that up.

    When that happened to me, I do remember seeing some down-loadable programs that claimed to recover stuff even after a reformat. Never tried those myself... maybe all is not lost.

    You do have my sympathies,

