Importing Pdf into Corel

I have imported a 75 page pdf into Corel 14 as curves as I didn't want any font issues, I had to add some backgrounds etc to the document.

As this document is going to be emailed to a lot of people I need the file under 20 mb but when I save it as a pdf it is 120mb.

Is there any way I can vastly reduce the file size without losing quality of the document.

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  • Can you say which pdf method you are using? Corel's own Publish to PDF? Microsoft Print to PDF? or perhaps Adobe PDF?

    If you are using Publish to PDF in CorelDraw, then the best way to reduce filesize is to choose: Publish to PDF / PDF Preset / choose Web from drop down menu. Since most of the file size comes from photos/bitmaps then this option reduces the file size the most as the bitmap resolution is low. The photos look worse and blurry as well but maybe you get the file down to, say, 10MB and it's ok to mail that.

    If this doesn't reduce the size enough, then choose settings from the same Publish to pdf panel and from objects panel lower the JPEG quality even more and then perhaps from downsampling boxes go lower to 90 or 80. These options might be slightly different in 14.

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