combining multiple cdr files into one

I have 25 (small) one-page CDR files that would be easier to store and use as one file.

(Google finds only old and limited discussions on this topic)

Is there any way to combine these separate pages into one CDR file?    It  still would not be a very large file  (large files have been quoted to be a problem in some older posts)

Acrobat has a utility to combine multiple PDF's into one.    A similar tool would be helpful in this case.

Thanks   Richard

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  • I ran into the same problem but I needed to add multi-page files into a single file which wasn't covered in Bhbp.bg2's code so I threw the code into ChatGPT and asked it to make it work for multiple page documents. This worked for my situation.

    Sub Combine_files_in_one()
    Dim mdoc As Document
    Dim madoc As Document
    Set madoc = ActiveDocument

    For Each mdoc In Application.Documents
    If mdoc <> madoc Then
    Dim pageNum As Long
    For pageNum = 1 To mdoc.Pages.Count
    madoc.AddPages 1
    Next pageNum
    End If

    MsgBox "Finished.", vbInformation, "Macro Completed"
    End Sub

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