What JavaScript Function Should Go Here?

The end result of what I'd like is to make a function that will open up a selected powerclip, select all objects inside, turn off any of their outlines, close out of the powerclip, then turn off the outline of the powerclip

I recorded a script to try to do this but I run into an error saying: Layer 'PowerClip Contents"not found Line: 7, Column: 44host.ActiveDocument.Pages.ltem(1).Lay-ers.Item PowerClipContents").Shapes.All).CreateSelection(

It seems to me that the app has not recorded my selection of all objects where I follow Edit>Select All>Objects

I have basic experience with Javascript, does anyone have a line I could use to tell CorelDRAW to select all objects within an edited powerclip thus getting rid of my error prompt? I'd like to know any source material I could use to learn to write JS using CorelDraw's API. Any help with that would be much appreciated. My current script is copied below. I'm using MacOS 14.7, I think that matters in this case. Thanks in advance

// Recorded 10/15/24
// Description:
// testing de-outlining powerlips and object wherein
host.ActiveDocument.Pages.Item(1).Layers.Item("PowerClip Contents").Shapes.All().CreateSelection();