Paintshop pro or corel Photo-Paint

What is the advantage of buying Corel Paint shop Pro 2018?

  • I think the auto adjust is better but I rarely use them in either program. I don't know where you are in the world so I can't judge what you'd pay but what I can say is that except for postscript capabilities, PSP is a very capable choice, a much smarter choice than Photoshop. In the U.S. a new license is $80. I bought it a few years ago and kicked myself in the head for not getting it sooner.

    I'm not someone who does this as a hobby, I do thousands of architectural images, the past issue of Environments for Aging had 24 of my image edits for award winning projects.  I am the image editor of choice for several architectural firms. For over 20 years Photo-PAINT has been my editor of choice and still is, the last 3 or 4 years I've been augmenting with PaintShop Pro and I just upgraded to version 2018. What does that say?

    It's a comprehensive program it will take a few months to get used to but well worth it.

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