Reading Metadata

Thanks Gerard,

Webinar was very good. It caused me to take another look at Corel Connect which I wasn't using even if it wasn't as fully integrated as it is in X6 and I couldn't really remember why I wasn't using it. We have a large library of files that we have created over the years, some 34,000 files in all, not counting clipart. With that many files we have to use a numbering system for the files,  YYMMxxxr, where xxx is file # and r is revision letter. We do use keywords and tags to make finding files easy using romcat, in the keywords we will include customer name as well as a brief title/description for the job.

I loaded X6 to find two things,

1 - that keywords and tags can no longer be entered in the file save dialogue, that in itself is not important as they can easily be entered in the document properties dialogue

2 - Corel Connect does not search the metadata other than filename, in other words because of our naming protocols we can't use Connect productively.

Connect seems to be a very practical tool, but does seem hamstrung without the ability to search keywords and tags.

Hopefully I'm just missing something in it's usage, which is entirely possible.





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