Text for web distorted

I just can't figure out how to produce text and graphics for the web.  I have followed the manual for X6 and I have searched online, but my text an other graphics keep coming out marbled and distorted.  Please help me find out what I am doing wrong.

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  • Tonyhale said:
    keep coming out

    coming out where?

    Hi Tony, without more details we have to guess many things. Picture quality can depend on the resolution, JPG compression, and other factors.

    Distortion can depend on the way of exporting, or the way of including and formatting the image in the website.

    For pure text in a plain color on a plain color background use GIF or PNG as an export format and export it exactly in the size (for the web it is measured in pixels! not in mm or inch) that you will need later on the website.

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