What shortcut key use for change angle of rotation of text 0’ to 90’ ??
Press Ctrl + . (period) while nothing is selected (i.e select Pick tool and click on blank place and then press CTRL+. and then you have permanetly set up default angle to "90").
Press Ctrl + , (comma) while nothing is selected (i.e select Pick tool and click on blank place and then press CTRL+, and then you have permanetly set up default angle to "0").
Best regards
Sorry, I should read your post more carefully.
Here you have macro that rotate selected object about 90°. You can assign shortcut to this macro.
Best regards,
Sub Macro1() Dim OS As ShapeRange, x#, y#, w#, h# ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "Rotation" Set OS = ActiveSelectionRange OS.GetBoundingBox x, y, w, h OS.Rotate 90# OS.SetPosition x, y + w ActiveDocument.EndCommandGroupEnd Sub