What shortcut key use for change angle of rotation of text 0’ to 90’ ??

What shortcut key use for change angle of rotation of text 0’ to 90’  ??

  • Press Ctrl + . (period)  while nothing is selected (i.e select Pick tool and click on blank place and then press CTRL+.  and then you have permanetly set up default angle to "90").

    Press Ctrl + , (comma)  while nothing is selected (i.e select Pick tool and click on blank place and then press CTRL+,  and then you have permanetly set up default angle to "0").

    Best regards


    • it only does 0' to 270' or vice versa
      • Sorry, I should read your post more carefully.

        Here you have macro that rotate selected object about 90°. You can assign shortcut to this macro.

        Best regards,


        Sub Macro1()
            Dim OS As ShapeRange, x#, y#, w#, h#
            ActiveDocument.BeginCommandGroup "Rotation"
            Set OS = ActiveSelectionRange
            OS.GetBoundingBox x, y, w, h
            OS.Rotate 90#
            OS.SetPosition x, y + w
        End Sub

    • could also just select the text again to get the rotation grab bars. Hold cntrl key down as you grab a corner and it will rotate in increments. just keep going until you reach 90
      • i am asking for shortcut key ???????????
        • These shortcut keys are for 0° and 270° only, there is no key for 90°.
          I believe the reason there are any shortcuts at all is because of Asian text, but I'm not sure.

          You can record a macro that will rotate 90° if you like. This macro can then be triggered via a shortcut key.
          Or I'm sure Myron can create it for you if you like. ;-)
      • Hi, click on the object again so the rotation arrows come up - try holding down ctrl key, this constraints the angle in 15 deg increments.