Improved Brush Stroke Engine

One weakness I've struggled with in Corel PHOTO-PAINT as well as Adobe Photoshop is the paint brush engine. That is, I would find the strokes to create this "skip rock" effect, for lack of a better explanation. As it works today, PP and PS both work the same way by creating brush strokes with spacing. You get one dab here and you have to move your mouse a certain amount to get another dab.

I believe the Corel Painter engine for brush strokes would be beneficial to Corel PHOTO-PAINT as well. As a programmer, I also understand the limitation to such a stroke engine. That is, you would really need to complete a stroke before knowing exactly what it should look like. I think the way Painter handles it is the best solution I can think of. PP could just show brush stroke as they are currently until the user lets go of the mouse button or relieves pressure from the tablet pen. Then, the calculations could be made to produce a smoothe brush stroke, which looks pretty much exactly the same as what they saw in preview; only, without any side effects, splotchiness or "skip rock" crap.

Granted, if you can make it all work live that would be awesome! But I'm guessing the performance hit might be too extreme.

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  • Jed Hunsaker said:
    I believe the Corel Painter engine for brush strokes would be beneficial to Corel PHOTO-PAINT as well.

    setting the dab spacing to 1 or 5  helps quite a bit.

    One annoying thing is how the eraser spacing keeps jumping back to 25, and the eraser can't be saved as a tool AFAICT.

    IMO - saved tools should be accessible with hotkeys, and be able to be backed up easily.

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