A Suggestion for a "WOW" effect for the New Corel Draw X7


A Suggestion for a "WOW" effect for the New Corel Draw X7

I would like to suggest, a "Wow" effect, that in my opinion, will make Corel Draw stands out and be the Most completed suite and the Most powerful Vector software of all  !

It's a name that i gave and i called it "Vector Gaussian Blur"!

As we can see, this effect tool exists already in illustrator, since a long time.

I just can't wait to see something similar in the new version of Corel Draw X7.

I don't like the method that some people usually use to achieve this effect, by converting a vector shape to Bitmap, they open the Photopaint and they apply the bitmap Gaussian blur filter on it.

That's why i would like to change this and create something that will be a vector base! That will only be inside Corel Draw.

In fact there is a tool in Corel Draw, that can do almost the same job as the "Gaussian Blur" does, in a vector style. It is the drop shadow effect ! But my suggestion is to create an effect tool solely for this effect only. Which of course will includes feather and transparency together with this effect.

Actually the trick is when you apply a drop shadow to a vector object, inside Corel Draw and then "Break the Drop Shadow Appart", you instantly have a "Vector Gaussian Blur" object!

Because it is vector, of course you can change its color and change its shape!

I am attaching a visual sample below, that i did, to show you what i mean.


Now, My question is:

-  Where should i go to show/suggest this post, in order for the technicians, the people who works and design the New tools for each version of Corel, to include my suggested effect. for the Next Version?

- Can Corel users, make suggestions on New tools for the New versions of Corel? to whom shall i email?


Thank you.


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