
I think we could have a thread on this and see where it leads.

I did read at one point that Wine would never have developed with the same level of quality without the support of Corel. How tight that relationship is today and how easy it would be to run CGS on Wine today I've not seen any comments on.

Bit of stuff on printing from Draw under Linux there. 

This is maybe a good starting point.


  • I don't think any of our scanners or printers have linux drivers at present; only a couple don't have drivers for vista.

    I'd love to be able to run linux though, but unless windows drivers would work under wine for printers and scanners perfectly and with the full featureset (e.g. freeform in our fiery drivers), we'd need a lot of drivers as well as coreldraw to run perfectly to make the switch. (just reading the second article now)

    What's the performance hit of running under wine vs. running natively, and how does it compare to running draw in windows in a virtual machine on the native OS?

    Would be an interesting possibility...

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