COREL in the Cloud?

Just spotted an ad at the InDesign site linked from InDesign, which we use for one thing - a catalog - because years ago our printer insisted that he couldn't handle COREL.  That has since changed, but legacy has its momentum.  Anyway, the Adobe page had an ad for Cloud computing using their full suite of products at what appeared to be around $50 per month.  Just curious what COREL has coming or in place, as we are looking at upgrading to the latest DRAW package from X3 fairly soon. 

COREL has some significant advantages, of course, such as the ability to import and edit pdfs.  We constantly get in a new prototype ad as a pdf done originally in Illustrator, with my instructions being to alter and resize it for some other venue, which means DRAW.  I don't think that even Illustrator can directly edit pdfs.  And I don't have a year to take off to become proficient in Adobe's bizarely complex products.