Mesh fill request


I am a die hard CorelDRAW user since version 3.0 (albeit not a professional) but I had been rarely used mesh fills until recently when I discovered that Corel added nodes transparency. Now I consider mesh editing as one of most powerful CorelDRAW features. But I see that mesh development lags a bit behind other tools. I know that mesh programming is possibly very sophisticated but It would be extremely useful if some more feature were added:

- node snapping - I don't know whether it is a bug or not, but in mesh mode no snapping is available, neither snap to grid nor snap to object. It would help a lot

- node editing context bar - recently Corel added a great time saver to interactive fills and transparency effect - a little context bar near a node being edited where one can quickly select color and slide or enter node's transparency. It would be great to add this feature to mesh as well.

- convert to curve and to line - converting mesh nodes to lines or to curves already exists but it can be applied to nodes only and has an influence on two lines attached to the node. Possibility to choose which line between nodes exactly has to be straight and which has to be curved would give more control over mesh.

And some more bells and whistles:

- triangular mesh and oval meshes - some objects would be much easier to draw if such mesh structures were available,

 - line mesh - it would be a feature similar to Xara's feathered curve.




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  • Cold not agree more! Snap-to would be awesome and the other mesh options!

    Also, fix the inability to smooth mesh corner nodes. (You can right-click and choose Smooth but nothing happens)

    Fix the broken Effects that do not function correctly IF color has been applied to the mesh AND new rows/columns have been been added.

    Return the Properties bar back to the toolbars for selected mesh objects.

    Allow Color Harmonies to work with mesh tools.
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