Corel Font Creator

Hello there,

I'm trying to gauge the interest in a font creation application that would make it easy to create your own fonts.

It would not be a traditional looking font creator tool. I imagine a new application in the suite that would make font creation an easy and fun thing to do. 

  • Traditionally, creating fonts is a complicated task that only an handful of users master but what if it was easy?
  • Would you create your own fonts?
  • Would you create symbol fonts?
  • Would you create foreing / complex script fonts? What language?
  • Would you want to share / sell your fonts?
  • Would you use and possibly buy fonts that other users would have created?

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  • YESSSSSSS! This is a great good idea!!!

    It could be really good for Corel to add this new program to the suite.
    Corel is a CREATIVE graphics software company that need to introduce
    new ways and possibilities to their portfolio.

    In my case, is an 1000% Yesss!
    As a graphic designer, I will use it to create my own fonts!
    Even modify existing ones would be an ectasy!
    Mmm, It's a really good idea to sell my own fonts!

    Even, imagine this: People to share their own created fonts IN THIS FORUM!!!

    One thing is for sure,
    if this new Corel Font Creator program it's easy, fun and enough powerful as you say Claude,
    the entirely graphic design industry will hear about it, will try it and surely use it!

    Come on Corel! Let's shake the WORLD with FONTS!

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