

  --  I would like to see an auto-backup option that makes a new file at each backup.  At present, the latest backup over-writes the previous backup.  --
1. It would be more convenient than constantly using SAVE AS.
2.  UNDO doesn't quite do the job.  After using a tool after UNDO, history gets wiped out.


  • I believe you can use a macro for this.
    • Hi Ariel,

      Thanks for the suggestion.

      However, I don't think that a macro would be any better than SAVE AS.

      It's not a big deal, but I would still have to:
      1. Decide when to call the Macro
      2. Call up the macro
      3. Enter a new file name
      4. Click on SAVE

      I was hoping for something like AUTO SAVE but with a new file name each time that the program saved the work.
      It should all take place in the background every so many minutes.
      • on this case, you can add a shortcut (and icon) for activate the macro or make auto-save every x minutes. the macro could prompt for a name, and can have an option for auto-numbering (such as Phil001, Phil002, etc) or sorting by hour/date (such as 0930-02-11-2016) I believe it's not so difficult, for example, the macro MultiPage Export (I use it often) allows to export as CDR (and other file formats), on the same folder or on a selected folder, adding a number, with several other options. Then, it should not to be so difficult to add an auto-save every x (selected) minutes, and the clean up of the Undo history. Unfortunately, i'm not a programmer, so I can't help you.