X7 Ideal computer system

I will be purchasing a new computer to upgrade to X7. I would like to know more of an ideal computer system rather than just the minimum requirements. Thank you.

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  • Hi, I agree with John, But will give you some specifications. Intel i5 or i7 any version of each works. 8 GB RAM, 6 GB is okey also, but more Ram is always good. If you buy a laptop, be sure to buy one with a dedicated graphics card. Screen resolution, personally I use a 1920 x 1080, a full HD. Don't buy screen with Glare. Buy with anti-glare. To avaoid seeing your own face on the screen when working. My laptop have a traditional harddrive, no SSD disk and 1 TB space on the HDD traditional harddrive. And on windows 8/8.1 its starts fast and works great. With a combo of HHD and SSD disk you will get performance yes, not necessarily you will notice a big difference working with 2D graphic imaging and layout. Label? HP, Dell, Lenovo or Asus computers would be my own pic. Not necessarily in that order. If a laptop, see to that you get a VGA and HDMI plugs. So you can connect a external desktop screen. 3-4 usb plugs so you can plug in an external harddrive, mouse, printer and Wacom tablet at the same time.