Going back to X6 ... X7 wasn't ready

Hi everyone,

I have just posted SO MANY ISSUES directly to the corel staff. When I mean many...I mean MANY!!!
X7 was simply not ready at all. I always slowed down with ALL the tools I use, it's ridiculous.

I was wondering if anyone has met these issues and if you did, have you found the way to either fix them or have a solution!

Thanks so much for anyone's help!

Here goes:

1 – Exporting files as PDF’s is troublesome and unstable. If I have to publish a file to PDF, let’s say, many times because I go to fast and do errors. It’s as though it builds up some temp files somewhere and ends up either crashing or freezing.


2 – I cannot drag and drop files from Corel’s dialog boxes anymore! Only regular windows dialog boxes (I use that A LOT)


3 – PhotoPaint is very unstable, crashes regularly (just like X6) I’ve tried X6 on 3 different computers here and it crashed regularly when saving after editing bitmaps from CDraw.


4 – Where is the color dialog box???? I want to edit my colors or gradients, darnit!!


5 – After opening X6 files in X7, I can see my colors or gradients. But curiously, when I close and re-open my file, some colors disappear after being saved in X7.


6 – Some colors from X5 or X6 files don’t always appear.  I think this is due to some older palettes. But If they’re still available (even if they’re old) why do they act that way?


7 – I have EXCEL forms in some of my files. Ooooo…Buggy!!! They don’t react well at all!!! I have to correct them back in X6 to re-import them in X7, instead of correcting them directly in X7! They went really well in X6! 


8 – CorelDRAW X7 is slower than X6 on the same machine. Is this normal? It seems really fragile and unstable. Is it beacause X6 is still installed on the same machine?


9 – The clean look is really nice, really! But I have trouble distinguishing the scroll bars from the background.


10 – Why can’t we remove and replace the toolbar flyouts like many other versions.


11 – Nice correction for the font list ‘last used fonts'. But the way of grouping the font in the font still doesn’t please me. I don’t know for others. Could you come up with an option like, with a checkbox, in the OPTIONS menu to turn the ‘font grouping’ on or off?


12 – When selecting two or more objects, the ‘group / ungroup’ icons don’t always appear.


13 – When saving large files the little disquette icon on the lower right of the page when saving disappears. Other versions had the colored stripe that showed the progress, but not this version.


14 – When editing a bitmap, CorelPhotPaint opens. Now there is a button offering the possibility to terminate the editing. Why does it only close the working file and not PhotoPaint completely?


15 – What happened to the Projection interactive bar? Is it now only available as a menu on the right panel?


16 - I can't save my properties as deafult for my measuring tool!! I use it so much!!! It's a pain! It always resets itself to deafult!!!


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  • TetroDesign • Stephan Tetreault said:

    13 – When saving large files the little disquette icon on the lower right of the page when saving disappears. Other versions had the colored stripe that showed the progress, but not this version.


     you safe in the background,

    chance: option -->Gobal-->Enable background task - but it appears no progress bar Sad

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