Can't Close or Save my document!

Help!... I was working in a text box...left for lunch...came back, and everything is "frozen" I can't get back into the text boxes to make edits, if I click into "edit text" I can make changes, but I can't save or close the program?

I have gone from X3 to X7 ... Does X7 have some kind of "sleep mode" that I am not aware of!!??

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  • Mrs. Bee said:
    I have gone from X3 to X7 ... Does X7 have some kind of "sleep mode" that I am not aware of!!??

    No, but there's a huge difference between both. X3 only use one processsor, but X7 (and X5 / X6) can take advantadge of multi-core processors. So, CorelDRAW can save, print or export using one core, and allows to continue to work inmediately while the program is running on the background. Same happens with the auto-backup. So, maybe there was a process on the background

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