Background removal from photo using VERTUS FLUID MASK

I need to do a fair amount of deep etching of peoples photographs - removing the background from these photos using cut out lab is very laborious - specially as it gives many problems removing the background from between hair blowing in the wind.

The program Vertus Fluid Mask apparently does a very good and fast job, had a look at their site, seems very good, but it is made to be used with photoshop a program I do not know. They sell it as a stand alone product as well -

Has anyone experience using this product? If not Has anyone experience with a product that works well with Corel graphics suite?

Anxious to hear,


  • Hi Hans,
    All the suggestions are excellent.
    I'm going to try them all out if there is a free trial. I do a lot of
    For what it is worth, I have not had any luck with the Cut Out Lab. It
    requires more clean up than it is worth.
    I've done best by creating a high contrast "throw away" layer followed
    by Color Mask (aka Color Range) . Then some minor clean up.
    PS: Can you post one of your difficult images. I would like to try out a
    suggestion to use a luminosity mask of the image -- plus some minor clean
    up. I never seem to be able to avoid some clean up.
    PPS: Is 1937 the year you were born.
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