Difference between CDX7 and Adobe Illustrator

I am trying ti figure out what the difference between CDX7 and Adobe Illustrator is before I make a purchase?

Any quick explanations?

  • Hello Dodger; Well to start with Corel is Cheaper than Adobe. They will both get you to the same place, but I think the learning curve is a little smaller in Corel. If you have not done graphics drawing in either program you'll have to pay your dues learning. I've been using Corel since 1990 and I'm still learning, that's not saying it takes that long to learn any graphics program so you can make a living, but to get good at it it does take some time.
    Corel does have a 30 day Free trial you can down load to give it a try. This place has people from all over the world that are VERY good and you can come and ask questions no matter which program you use.
    Good Luck with your choice. And I guess you could buy both if ya got plenty of money and looking for a tax brake.

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