Difference between CDX7 and Adobe Illustrator

I am trying ti figure out what the difference between CDX7 and Adobe Illustrator is before I make a purchase?

Any quick explanations?

  • My Illustrator skills are fading fast.   I haven't used CC, all my input is based on CS 6.  I just find that Draw is quicker for tasks.  I am not sure if it is a case of me being all thumbs in Illustrator or if Illustrator just has too many things in locations tedious to access.  I am inclined toward the later.

    In certain arenas, CorelDraw users are giving a serious down the nose look.  There are those that view them with disdain, like they are children with a toy and not one of the big boys.  It sounds trivial but it can be a REAL barrier sometimes.  Having said that here are some specific things I notice.

    Alignment Shortcuts.  C E T B P  shortcuts in Corel just save so much freaking time.  It is a simple thing but having to open a dialog/docker in Illustrator to do a simple align is like being forced to go from a jet airplane to a tricycle.

    Node Editing.  The pick tool in Corel is multi-functional.  In Illustrator I have to switch between tools to do same thing the one tool does in Corel.  It is frustrating in Illustrator when you are used to the quick node editing in Draw.  Node editing in Corel is just superior.

    Zoom.  What is it with Illustrator's Zoom?  It is bizarre.  I am not sure if it is the way it refreshes.  But it is a chore zooming in and out to try to get to the area you need to focus.  There is no way in Illustrator to set the mouse wheel to zoom, (not sure about CC.)  Mouse wheel zooming is the most efficient way to zoom and pan.  Draw has a 45000% zoom ability.  Illustrator a 6400% one.

    Snapping/Alignment.  This might be wrapped up in the Zoom mystery, but snapping and aligning things in Illustrator can be like pulling hair.  Something happens and the whole thing gets "slippery" for lack of a better term.

    Multiple Pages.  Illustrator has multiple artboards.  This can generate a mulit-page pdf output.  But there is no way to have text flow from one page to another.  There is however Indesign.  Draw has true multiple page support.

    Artboard size.  Draw has a max artboard of 45.72 × 45.72 m.  Illustrator's max is 5.7785 × 5.7785 m.  Perhaps not that important when one can scale, but Nice if your working with something big.  Crazy side note: Inkscape has a max artboard of 1000 × 1000 km.  When that size was decided on it was like a cheech and chong moment.

    I once worked for a shop that was all Corel.  That meant I spend alot of time in Corel.  It probably skews my attitude on the issue as I just have more time under my belt using Draw.

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