.CDRs and Adobe Bridge CS6

Two questions, please:

1)  I have CDGS X7, but I also use Adobe CS6,  In the interests of harmonious cohabitation of file types (:-)), I'm hoping someone here might have an idea on how to get .CDR files to display in Adobe's Bridge CS6;  currently they only show as a standard CDGS thumbnail icon.  Previous versions of Bridge displayed them, but I can't remember if it was a native capability or there was some kind of software extension.  I know this would seem a question i should ask Adobe, and I've checked those forums and knowledgebases of course, but Adobe doesn't seem all that interested in Corel compatibility (subjective appraisal), so I though enterprising Corel users might know.  Any ideas please, folks?

2)  Alternatively, can anyone suggest a software alternative to Adobe's Bridge that does support both Adobe and Corel?  Not just standard rasters, but .CDR, .AI and .PSD, and maybe .PDF as well.  And preferably, not just viewing, but standard file management would be good.
