To all the Corel Guru's answer this...


I'm trying to make a monotone piece of art, so i can do something like this.My problem is i can get it to LOOK like this on the screen But i can't get it to print like this.

What I am mainly trying to do, is layer a greyscale over a color and print just the color behind it,so the greyscale accually gives the background color halftones.

I can change a greyscale to a black/white and use halftones or jarvis, but it looks so, so grainy.

I want a greyscale so i can left click and add color, while a right click changes not the pen line, but the greysclale color.

I know this can't be done or can it?  i have this file for you to see how i want my monotone to react.

when i open the shirt in corelpaint you can see it's just a solid black monotone.

  • Hi,
      I don't really understand your question or whether it has been answered.
      However, there is a good way in PhotoPaint to get tonal value from one image and color from another.
    1.   Use the colored image as the background or as a lower layer.
    2.   Add a layer from which to get the tonal values.  (It's easiest to handle if it's gray scale but it can be color.)
    3.    Put the top layer into the lightness mode.
             The top layer now supplies tonal values and the bottom layer provides color to produce the "virtual" image.
    Here's an example.


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