Menu choice for bitmap editor in Corel draw

To the folks at Corel. or a macro writer we need a menu choice for which bitmap editor to choose when editing in Corel draw.

We are once again uninstalling X7 because pp x7 now comes up when editing bitmaps in draw x6 and x5.

We use macros in both those versions that won't be updated we don't want to use ppx7 so uninstall is the answer.

Unfortunately we need the macros instead of features that should be built in.

Back to InDesign and placing ps files

Ross Blair

  • Disclaimer: This information is provided for experimental purposes only, not suggested for production use, not supported by tech-support, etc. And you probably want to you backup your registry before modifying it.

    That being said... this should help you and others out.

    First -- you should know that Windows OLE ultimately decides the application used to edit the bitmap.
    CorelDRAW does do some snooping to see if Photo-Paint is installed, but when performing the edit it simply presents the bitmap in .CPT form and Windows will choose and launch the process associated with that file type.

    A complication comes from the fact that legacy .CPT file ids are tagged to 'auto-convert' to the latest format. This can be undone.

    The following steps should allow you to change the .CPT editor from PHOTO-PAINT X7 to PHOTO-PAINT X6. (This can be generalized to any version of PHOTO-PAINT) without uninstalling X7.

    1. Open Regedit and find this key:
    Modify the data of the 'default' value to CorelPHOTOPAINT.Image.16
    (If you've just installed X7 this value should be CorelPHOTOPAINT.Image.17)

    2. Now to remove the ‘AutoConvertTo’ keys:

    Search the Registry from the top for CorelPHOTOPAINT.Image.16

    You should find this key:

    If it has a subkey called ‘AutoConvertTo’ then delete that subkey. This is the piece promoting it to x7.

    Continue searching for ‘CorelPHOTOPAINT.Image.16’
    It will appear as the ProdID in these keys:

    In each of these above keys, delete the 'AutoConvertTo' subkey key that you find there.

    And that should do it -- .CPTs will be associated with PHOTO-PAINT X6, CorelPHOTOPAINT.Image.16 with not auto-convert to Image.17, and ultimately EditBitmap will launch PHOTO-PAINT X6.

    Best of luck,