Mail merge, vg core and other issues solved by excessive amounts of ram.

This isn't really a question.

I've finally upgraded my system. went from a first gen i3 windows 7 32 bit with a normal hard drive and 3gb of ram(max allowed under 32 bit), to a 4th gen i7(4790) windows 8.1 64 bit with a solid state drive and 32 gb of ram (excessive right?).

And overnight all my problems with mail merge and vg core memory issues are gone.

Why am I posting this? For the next time someone asks I've got a merge problem or a VG Core issue, let me tell you, I felt your pain, and I no longer have those issues. I just completed a mail merge that took 11.8 gb of memory to process. Final print file of 2.2 gb about the second largest merge ever for me, but this time it worked right the first time AND I didn't have to use ANY work arounds or 'freeform masters' on the fiery.

I thought my computer was fast enough, and it was for most things. But if you are doing merges, or large output, you need to look at your processor and memory.

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