Windows 10

Windows 10 free upgrade is due to download on 29 July. Is it safe to proceed or could there be any problems of compatibility?   I use CDR X7, Designer X6, CorelCAD 2014

  • If you are going to upgrade, RENAME your files as 10 does not give you a thumb nail of the content in the file, just a PP or CD logo. So if you are like me and rely visually on the thumb nail - to check a file you have to open the software each time and that can take time. I tried different settings, sizes descriptions and yelling at it but to no avail, does anyone have an answer?I also lost CorelCad14(save your inteface), so if you loose anything download a free trial then wack in your code when you open the software (make sure you get the right year/version). But corel support is awesome if you have hassles.Oh yeah make sure you download from corel and not softonic, you will get a bug
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