Corel X7 64-bit is crashing Intel display driver


I have a  brand new Dell 7510 laptop, with Intel HD 50 graphics (onboard, it's a Core i7 CPU) and a Nvidia M2000M graphics card. I have a clean install of Windows 10. 32GB RAM, SSD, Core i7 CPU.

I'm having problems with the Intel graphics driver crashing, so I've been through all the hoops of updating drivers etc. But it's suddenly occurred to me: it only crashes when I'm using Corel X7! I can use the laptop for Photoshop, Word, Excel, Firefox etc. all day with no issues, but within 20 minutes of using Corel I get an Intel display driver crash.

Can anyone shed any light please?

Many thanks


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  • Hello jimwillsher; X7 is hard on resources.....The redraw of the file could be one of the problems. Check to see if there are updated driver for the card. I don't know how much mem. the video card has, or if you can set some of the computer ram for it. A lot of times the computer seems to be hung up but it may still be working. Something else you can do is clean out your TEMP dir. ( If you don't know how we'll tell you if you just ask.) A laptop runs a little slower than a desktop so give it time to catch up with the video. And you can look to see if the virtual mem. is turned up to the max. I don't know about Window 10 but the more fonts you have that aren't needed in Windoes\fon dir. the slower Windows will run. ( Use FontNav it came with Corel.). Look and see what programs came with the computer and if you don't want or need them delete them.
    And make SURE you have the LATEST updates for Windows They had problems with one of there early updates that made Corel crash.

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