Having to log in to enable me to save my files???

I have paid for an annual subscription.

I've gone back to X7 because X8 kept giving me problems with permissions, which may or may not have anything to do with Avast.

Something new with X7  is that I have to log in or I won't be able to save my files.

I find that intrusive and distracting.

Why is this happening?

I have been using the Graphics Suite since V3, it has never caused me problems like this before.


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  • Hetty van Boven said:
    I have paid for an annual subscription.

    This is the explanation. You should to log in in order to verify that you have the annual subscription. btw it's only the first time, after this you are already logged.

    The permission issues of X8 maybe are relative to the Windows Administrator rights. If you add CorelDARW to the safe list, you should not have problems
